Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Fray of Grey

The Wolves, the Wolves,
They tear me apart and leave decay,
But keep me alive so that I may run away.
The Wolves, the Wolves,
In the shadows they hide
And in none they confide,
The secrets of their murderous plan.
The Wolves, the Wolves,
Chase me night and day,
They follow their pray
In relentless chase,
For blood, for blood they chase.
The Wolves, the Wolves,
Death is their heart and the grave their soul.
Depart from me and leave my woe,
Untouched by such cruel fingers.
I pray not the torture of my mind lingers.
The Wolves, the Wolves,
They feed on my every turn,
They rip me apart, so that I feel the burn,
Of pain in mind,
And I pay my fine,
Of sin long awaiting
To send the message to them.
The Wolves, The Wolves,
They tear me apart and leave decay,
But keep me alive so I may run away.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Simple Beauty

Love is a simple thing,
Never failing to never die,
It breaks forth and finds its wings.
Always feeding in his love's eyes,
Ever will it be such a lovely thing,
Taking away heartaches sting.
Flowing ever,
Ceasing never,
Binding two forever.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

What If

What if people said what they mean? No more hidden meanings, or trying to guess at what is really being said beneath the smiles of mild deceit. What if we were all able to understand that the things in life that make it worthwhile are not of monetary value? What if people didn't have idiotic tendencies? What if we lived with the idea that maybe I should actually try to make things better? What if we lived like God really is there? Would that change how you live? What if people didn't throw around phrases like "I love you" and honestly meant it when they said it? What if the mass majority of society is wrong, and it isn't all about I, me, mine? How would that change us as people?