Friday, October 29, 2010

Misunderstandings Chapter 1

Worries are no more when He comes through your door.

People tend to think that being different is weird. What is "different?" What is "normal?" Are they subjective? Or is there a supreme law laid down by God? People will say it is subjective to the individual because they wish to escape the responsibility of answering to God. They are, however, in the wrong. Normal is not some complex organism that only the "elite" psychologists can understand. It is very simple if one takes the time to look at what He says. One thing that people most often, especially in the American society, misunderstand is the issue of homosexuality. I will leave tact for a moment, and simply say it is wrong. I do not imply that I hate people who are homosexuals, nor do imply that they will "burn in Hell" for being homosexual. However, I do not on any grounds believe, nor support, the idea that marriage can be sustained between two people of the same gender. the Bible clearly states that marriage can only exist if it is between one man and one woman. I also do not believe that it is "natural" to be homosexual, it is a choice just as everything else is a choice. I apply everything above to bisexuality as well.
As I write this I do understand that there are people who would disagree, and that is fine. They are entitled to their own opinion, but so am I. I am in no way bashing people who follow this path, and I am in no way condemning them. I am simply stating my position on the matter.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Reason for this Rhyme

The reason for this rhyme is more than just 'cause I have time,
To sit and chime all the thoughts in my mind,
Or to sign something that passes the test of time,
But for me to proclaim the glory of His name.
I must be insane to the world,
But I can't be anything but sane to sit here and cry out that Name,
Not just any name but the precious name of the one who gave it all,
So I could crawl to his feet and beg mercy for this sinner,
So I can fall at the foot of the cross where I lost it all and became new again,
I deserve His death,
But I live on in health,
While He took the nail that was made for me,
And felt the whip that hungered for my flesh,
How can I say, "My best is good enough,"
When even the best of the best is not but dirt to Him,
The reason for this rhyme is more than just 'cause I have time,
To sit and chime all the thoughts in my mind,
Or to sign something that passes the test of time,
But for me to proclaim the Glory of His precious Name,
The Name of Jesus.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What makes us who we are is who we follow.

It seems to me that people (for the most part) just do not care about much anymore. They do care about whether the "popular" people like them, whether their football team won, and a lot of other very trivial things. Do people care about what is important? Things like where is the government taking our country, are our children safe in our own backyards? Do Christians care about the important things in life, or things that are nonessential to our eternal life. Things like what does the Bible say about our duty to government, or to the homeless. Where is our dignity in who we are? It is lost among the bitter hatred that we now posses. We once had love, now we harbor hateful thoughts. We once held peace, now we are bound with war. Not just any war, but war against our brothers. Where is the unity that once was? Where is the unhypocritical love that should be present within the Body? We gave up churches for whitewashed seplchures filled with the frozen chosen. Is the Holy Spirit not a fire that melts the heart of stone?
Where is the bride? The Groom calls her name every hour of every day and she still does not answer. Where is the bride, for whom the Groom shed his blood for.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Right to Choose

Fight for what needs to be fought for, and let die the things that cannot live.

     One thing I have noticed so far in college is, that no matter how hard one tries, they always revert to some form of what their parents believe. Where does this lead? Parents you must teach your children, not allow the government to brainwash them into an ideology where only thieves thrive on the needs of society. I am fortunate to have parents that took me by the hand and showed me how to think for myself and do things on my own. Although they did not only teach me independence from the world, but dependence on Christ. Far to many times the youth of this country confuse freedoms with rights. Freedoms are things that we should be given without delay, but that can be taken from us within a moments notice. Rights, well, we only have one. The only right we have is to make choices, the choice of whether to go to class, to study for the midterm, say or not to say, to choose heaven or hell. The only reason that people confuse the two is because of lack of responsibility among parents.  Parents have a right to choose whether they will teach their child well in a Christ honoring manner, or to allow their child to slip into the cruelty of the world. I am not a parent, but I am a child. Choices are sometimes hard to make, but in the end a choice is made. Choose well.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Journey Begins Anew

 Time speeds by me as I sit here, but I do not mind.

This week has been one of the hardest this fall. Partly because I did not meet with my Bible study group, and partly because I am just a sinful man. I am constantly amazed at how God tolerates so much from me, yet he loves me that much more.  That one blessed fact has not only pushed me into action, it has stirred my once dormant ability to write songs. Therefore, the journey begins anew. The journey is simply one of broadcasting the seed of His love through the ability He has given me, but its simplicity does not make it any easier. I have been prodded by the words of wisdom that come from a good friend of mine as she writes of how we as the church should not just praise God by going to church every time the doors are open, but to take what is gleaned from the Sunday morning sermon and put foot to His word. I am also reminded of the words from my mentor, "Do what you can, where you can, with what you can."
With all that said, it is time that I remain no longer dormant in my little Christian cubicle. It is time to rise and become who He made me to be.

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11