Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Right to Choose

Fight for what needs to be fought for, and let die the things that cannot live.

     One thing I have noticed so far in college is, that no matter how hard one tries, they always revert to some form of what their parents believe. Where does this lead? Parents you must teach your children, not allow the government to brainwash them into an ideology where only thieves thrive on the needs of society. I am fortunate to have parents that took me by the hand and showed me how to think for myself and do things on my own. Although they did not only teach me independence from the world, but dependence on Christ. Far to many times the youth of this country confuse freedoms with rights. Freedoms are things that we should be given without delay, but that can be taken from us within a moments notice. Rights, well, we only have one. The only right we have is to make choices, the choice of whether to go to class, to study for the midterm, say or not to say, to choose heaven or hell. The only reason that people confuse the two is because of lack of responsibility among parents.  Parents have a right to choose whether they will teach their child well in a Christ honoring manner, or to allow their child to slip into the cruelty of the world. I am not a parent, but I am a child. Choices are sometimes hard to make, but in the end a choice is made. Choose well.

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