Monday, November 29, 2010

Legends 1

A young man was traveling down an old country road that few men knew, but this was no ordinary man for he had traversed that road many times going to and from the town into the country. The young man made all his usual stops and was almost to the end of his journey when an old hermit stopped him in the middle of the road and told him, "Young man, turn away from this path for there is naught but evil further down yonder ways." The young man looked at the hermit as if he were a fool and stoutly replied, "Old man, I am a woodsman here and I can tell you that no evil lies down this path. Step aside please." The old man began to speak but was silenced by a hand from the young man, therefore, the old man stepped aside and let the young man go on his way. The young man traveled many miles with no problem until he came to a bend in the road. Three highwaymen were awaiting the young man so that they my take his life and all that was of value. The highwaymen attacked the young man and took all they wished. The hermit came afterwards and found the young man barely clinging onto life. The hermit took the young man back to his house up in the mountains and nursed the young man back to health. when the young man was able to talk he asked the hermit, "Why did you save me? Why not allow me to die in my stupidity?" The hermit chuckled once and replied, "Because I once was the fool who did not listen to wise judgement, and I too was spared."

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